Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I’m thinking about focusing on sound production since making music is my main interest, but I haven’t decided on the specific shape of what I’m going to present as my final project. 

If I think back about what we covered in the class, learning how I can express through different kinds of art shapes was quite significant learning for me, and I really enjoyed all of the projects. 

So I’m also thinking about the possibility that I can connect music making with another art, and primarily thinking about photography. I could try to take photography, get inspiration from it and work on music creation. This is what I’m thinking about. If I just made music, I felt like I’m not reflecting the stuff that I grabbed from this class. Again, what I’ve been enjoying the most in the class is trying various types of arts to express myself. I’m guessing connecting music and photography could open up more of my creativity.



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