Update no.2

For my project, I’ve done setting the vibe and mood of the song by recording 16 bars of guitar line. This is what I usually do as part of my song making process; decide chords, make a guitar line, record it, and add some beats with looping the guitar line. 

I added some beets to the guitar line, and now I’d say I’m at the very start point of building up the sounds for the song. 

I wish I could come up with any of the vocal lines already, but always the guitar recording takes so much time for me. For this line, it took more than 150 takes. I could have combined different takes and made up the line, but somehow I really wanted to play the perfect 1 take so,,, just took too long. 

I think that the guitar line is already showing a vibe of nostalgia, missing days, memories: the theme of this song, and I’m happy with how it sounds. From the reading, the quote “We need a visible past, a visible continuum, a visible myth of origin to reassure us as to our ends…” (19) ensured what the concept of the song is for me, and I think the theme “nostalgia” is working well with what I got so far. 

About the concept of difference, one thing I can present from the music is a language difference. I’m thinking about singing in Japanese, and that’ll present some cultural differences for sure. 


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